ASP Code Snippets
Some useful code if you ever have to use ASP, for some reason :), who knows...
- ASP Basics
- Escaping characters for html display
- Constants and arrays (one and two dimensions)
- Including external files
- Preventing Page caching: Forcing the browser not to cache a page
- Sending emails with CDO and CDONTS
- Creating and using dictionaries
- Getting Request POST and GET values
- Testing regular expressions
- Reading text files
- Writing text files
- XML - writing documents
- XML reading (parsing)
- String Manipulation
- Database connections, queries, etc
- Objects in Vbscript
- Dates and Time functions
- Random functions
- Cookies
- Sessions
- ASP code to force a file download
ASP Basics
- To put on top of each page <%@ Language="VBScript" %> <% Option Explicit %> - Quick rules - Comments begin with ' - No semicolons to end a line - To continue a statement to a second line use the symbol: "_" at the end of the line - To concatenate strings use this symbol: & (ampersand) - Variables Every variable must be declared if you use Option Explicit, otherwise an error will be generated Dim myvariable '1st way to declare a variable myvariable = 1 Dim myvariable:myvariable = 1 'second way of declaring and assigning a variable Dim obj set obj = 'declaring and instantiating an object (using set for objects!!) - Redirect to other pages Response.redirect("url to redirect to.asp") Some IIS implementations allwo Response.Transfer Response.transfer( "aurl.asp") (difference of Response.redirect and Response.Transfer form perspective: - Functions and subprocedures 'A function returns a value. There's no "return" keyword, so to return just equal the 'value to return to the function's name 'Arguments can be passed by value (default) or by reference public function functionTest1( byval arg1, byval arg2, byref arg3 ) 'do some stuff... functionTest1 = "value to return" end function
Escaping characters for html display
dim escapeHTML escapeHTML = Server.HTMLEncode(value)
Constants and arrays (one and two dimensions)
- Constants example: Const EXAMPLE_CONSTANT1 = 1 Const EXAMPLE_CONSTANT2 = "Some string" - creating an array dim list1(9) 'this array can have subscript form 0 to 9 (10 elements in total) - resizable arrays (redim) dim list() redim list(0) 'initially reisze an array to 0 list(0) = "ele1" redim preserve list(1) 'use redim preserve to resize without losing data list(1) = "ele2" 'and so on - Example of 2 dimensional array Dim menu1(7,18) - Iterating through the elements of an array. 'This array has 5 elements, from 0 to 4 dim list2(4) list2(0) = "a" list2(1)= "b" list2(2)= "c" list2(3)= "d" list2(4)= "e" - UBound and size of arrays ubound gives the largets subscript avaiable for the array, not the number of elements (upper bound) dim z for z=0 to ubound( list2 ) response.write("ele: " & list2(z) ) next - 2 dimensional arrays Dim matrix1(1,2) matrix1(0,0) = 1 matrix1(0,1) = "entry 1" matrix1(0,2) = "ABC" matrix1(0,0) = 2 matrix1(0,1) = "entry 2" matrix1(0,2) = "DEF" dim z,i for z=0 to ubound( matrix1) 'gives ubound of 1st dimension for i=0 to ubound( matrix1, 2) 'gives ubound of 2nd dimension response.write("-----" & matrix1(z,i) & "---<br>" ) next next
Including external files
'normal include <!-- #include file="includes/header.asp" --> 'virtual include <!-- #include virtual="/includes/header.asp" -->
Preventing Page caching: Forcing the browser not to cache a page
Response.Expires = -1 Response.Expiresabsolute = Now() - 1 Response.AddHeader "pragma","no-cache" Response.AddHeader "cache-control","private" Response.CacheControl = "no-cache"
Sending emails with CDO and CDONTS
- Emails using CDO (Prefered way) public function sendEmailCDO( fromemail, fromname, toemail, subject, content, ccemail ) dim sch:sch = "" dim cdoConfig, cdoMessage Set cdoConfig = CreateObject("CDO.Configuration") With cdoConfig.Fields .Item(sch & "sendusing") = 2 ' cdoSendUsingPort .Item(sch & "smtpserver") = "localhost" .update End With 'replace newlines with br tags content = Replace( content , chr(10), "<br />") Set cdoMessage = CreateObject("CDO.Message") With cdoMessage Set .Configuration = cdoConfig '.From = fromemail & " <" & fromname & ">" .From = fromemail .To = toemail .Subject = subject .Cc = ccemail '.TextBody = content .HTMLBody = content on error resume next .Send If Err.Number <> 0 then sendEmail2 = Err.Description 'error desription Error.Clear exit function End If End With Set cdoMessage = Nothing Set cdoConfig = Nothing sendEmailCDO = "" end function - Emails using CDONTS public function sendCDONTS( fromemail, fromname, toemail, subject, content ) 'on error resume next 'create object Dim ObjMail Set ObjMail = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail") 'prepare email fields objMail.From = fromemail & " <" & fromname & ">" objMail.To = toemail objMail.Subject = subject objMail.Body = content objMail.Send Set objMail = Nothing sendCDONTS = "" end function
Creating and using dictionaries
dim dictionary1 set dictionary1 = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") - storing values dictionary1('akey') = 'avalue' - to retrive a value dim temp temp = dictionary1('akey')
Getting Request POST and GET values
- Get a variable through POST or GET 'This function tries to get a parameter from POST first and then from GET. 'POST has precendence in the function. Can return empty if the parameter was not sent. function getParameter( varToRead ) Dim aval 'Try go get parameter from POST aval = Request.Form( varToRead ) if ( aval = "" ) then 'If the post was empty, try reading it from the get aval = Request.QueryString( varToRead ) end if getParameter = aval ' return a value or empty end function - Showing sent POST values dim ix, formElementName, formElementValue For ix = 1 to Request.Form.Count formElementName = Request.Form.Key(ix) formElementValue = Request.Form.Item(ix) response.write("Received " & formElementName & "=" & formElementValue & "<br>" & vbcrlf ) next
Testing regular expressions
- Function to test regular expression Function isCorrectRE( value, pattern, acase ) RegExpTest = false Dim regEx, retVal Set regEx = New RegExp ' Create regular expression: regEx.Pattern = pattern ' Set pattern: regEx.IgnoreCase = acase ' Set case sensitivity. retVal = regEx.Test( value) If not retVal Then isCorrectRE = false exit function End If isCorrectRE = true End Function - Regular expressions examples 'testing 5 digits zip code isCorrectRE( value, "^[\d]{5}$" , true ) 'testing us phone format isCorrectRE( value, "^[\d]{3}-[\d]{3}-[\d]{4}$" , true ) 'testing email address (no ip testing!!!) isCorrectRE( value, "^[\w-\.]{1,}\@([\da-zA-Z-]{1,}\.){1,}[\da-zA-Z-]{2,4}$", true )
Reading text files
- reading a text file (line by line) using Scripting.FileSystemObject
dim fs, wfile, aline
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
response.write("will open file: " & file & "<br>")
Set wfile = fs.OpenTextFile(file)
do while not wfile.AtEndOfStream
aline= trim( wfile.readline )
response.write("line: " & aline )
Set wfile=nothing
Set fs=nothing
Writing text files
- Writing a file using Scripting.FileSystemObject
dim oFs
set oFs = server.createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
dim oTextFile
set oTextFile = oFs.OpenTextFile( "c:\myfile1.txt" , 2, True)
oTextFile.Write "aline"
set oTextFile = nothing
set oFS = nothing
XML - writing documents
- Xml writing using Microsoft.XMLDOM
response.contentType = "text/xml"
dim obj, objRoot, objPI,ele
Set obj = Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
Set objRoot = obj.createElement("items")
obj.appendChild objRoot
dim c1
Set c1 = obj.createElement("item")
objRoot.appendChild c1
dim ele1
set ele1 = obj.createElement("name")
ele1.text = "item1 name goes here"
c1.appendChild( ele1 )
dim c2
Set c2 = obj.createElement("item")
objRoot.appendChild c2
dim ele2
set ele2 = obj.createElement("name")
ele2.text = "item2 name goes here"
c2.appendChild( ele2 )
Set objPI = obj.createProcessingInstruction("xml","version='1.0'")
obj.insertBefore objPI, obj.childNodes(0) response ) 'write to the response output stream
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<name>item1 name goes here</name>
<name>item2 name goes here</name>
XML reading (parsing)
This can be used to parse a xml string, like one returned by a REST web service dim strGetString,objHTTP, objXML , i, items set objHTTP = Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") "GET", "", false objHTTP.Send Set objXML = objHTTP.ResponseXML set items = objXML.getElementsByTagName("item") for i=0 to items.length - 1 'get the name value for instance (assuming position 0) dim val:val = "" if ( items(i).childNodes(0).childNodes.length > 0 ) then val = items(i).childNodes(0).childNodes(0).nodeValue response.write("Got name: " & val & "<br>" ) end if next
String Manipulation
- XReplace new lines with html <br> tags
'replace newlines with br tags
content = Replace( content , chr(10), "<br />")
Database connections, queries, etc
- Open a ADODB Conneciton dim Conn,aconnectionString aconnectionString ="your custom connection string goes here..." 'example connection string: aconnectionString = "PROVIDER=SQLOLEDB;" & _ "data source=db;" & _ "persist security info=False;" &_ "initial catalog=database1name;" & _ "user id=someuser;" & _ "password=somepass;" set Conn = server.createobject("ADODB.Connection") aconnectionString If Err.Number <> 0 then response.write( "there was an " & Err.description ) end if '--execute a query here!! Conn.Close set me.Conn = Nothing - Executing a sql query and getting a Recordset 'Conn mus be a valid and open db connection (watch out for sql injection!!!) dim rs, sql sql = "select * from sometable" set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.recordset") rs.Open sql, Conn - Executing a sql non-query dim sql:sql = "Delete from loans where loan_id < 20" 'Execute non-query statements Conn.Execute sql, -1, -1 - Executing Stored procedures as sql dim sql 'execute stored procedure sql = "exec someProc1(..)" Conn.Execute sql, -1, 4 - Iterating through the rows of a recordset 'rs must be a valid/open recordset 'iterating a recordset dim temp Do While Not rs.EOF temp = rs.Fields("avalue").value 'getting a value from a recordset rs.MoveNext loop - Showing a recordset using a html table Response.Write "<P><TABLE BORDER=0 cellpadding=""0"" cellspacing=""0"" >" & vbCrLf Response.Write "<TR>" & vbCrLf ' -- Make a table column for each field in the query For intFields = 0 to rstData.Fields.Count - 1 Response.Write "<TD class=""header"">" & rs.Fields(intFields).Name & "</TD>" & vbCrLf Next Do While Not rs.EOF Response.Write "<TR>" & vbCrLf ' -- Display the value for each field in the query For intFields = 0 to rs.Fields.Count - 1 value = rs.Fields(intFields).Value if ( isNull( value) )then value = " " end if Response.Write "<TD>" & value & "</TD>" & vbCrLf Next Response.Write "</TR>" & vbCrLf rs.MoveNext loop Response.Write "</table>" - Examples of query strings for some databases - SQL Server 2000 dim connstr1:connstr1 = "PROVIDER=SQLOLEDB;" & _ "data source=db;" & _ "persist security info=False;" &_ "initial catalog=database1name;" & _ "user id=someuser;" & _ "password=somepass;" - Oracle Connection Example 'There must be a service name defined in the tnsnames.ora file for this to work dim connstr2:connstr2 = "Driver={Microsoft ODBC for Oracle};" & _ "Server=SERVICE_NAME_IN_TNSNAMES_ORA_FILE;" & _ "Uid=someuser;" & _ "Pwd=somepass;" Links: - getting last insert identity column (sql server) or next sequence (oracle) 'Asumming valid/open recordset rs 'a recordset object! dim rs set rs = query( "Select @@IDENTITY as avalue") getIdentityColumnSQLServer = rs.Fields("avalue").value dim rs set rs = query( "Select " & asequence & ".NEXTVAL as avalue from dual") getOracleNextValSequence = rs.Fields("avalue").value rs.Close
Objects in Vbscript
- Class Example class MyObject1 'public instance variables dim name dim age '---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' 0-argument constructor. Similar to sub new, but can't receive arguments '---------------------------------------------------------------------------- public sub class_Initialize = "cris" me.age = 28 end sub ' public sub instanceMethod1 response.write("my name is " & ) end sub ' public function instanceMethod2 end function end class - Using the class example 'INSTANTIATING AN OBJECT dim temp set temp = new MyObject1 = "someoneelse" temp.instanceMethod1
Dates and Time functions
- Get current date in ANSI format public function getDateANSI() dim toreturn dim d, m, y y = DatePart("yyyy", Now()) m = DatePart("m", Now()) d = DatePart("d", Now()) if ( m < 10 ) then m = "0" & m end if if ( d < 10) then d = "0" & d end if getDateANSI = y & "-" & m & "-" & d end function - Time formatting example public function getTime1 dim toreturn dim d:d = "." toreturn = DatePart("yyyy", Now()) & d & Da tePart("m", Now()) & d & _ DatePart("d", Now()) & d & DatePart("h", Now()) & d & DatePart("n", Now()) & _ d & DatePart("s", Now()) getTime1 = toreturn end function
Random functions
- Function that returns a random value between two numbers 'random function function getRandom( min, max ) Randomize dim val dim diff diff = max - min val = (int)( diff * Rnd() ) getRandom = min + val end function - Function that returns a random string of variable size using the above getRandom function function randomString1( size ) dim atype, i dim buffer buffer = "" for i=0 to size -1 atype = getRandom( 1, 3) 'get a number between 1 and 2 inclusive if atype = 1 then 'numbers buffer = buffer + chr( getRandom( 65, 91 ) ) elseif atype = 2 then 'letters buffer = buffer + chr( getRandom( 48, 58 ) ) end if next randomString1 = buffer 'this is how values are returned from functions (no return keyword!!) end function
- Setting a cookie Response.Cookies("username") = "earthskater" Response.Cookies("username").Expires = Date + 365 'In the example above a cookie named "username" was created. 'Then the expiry date was set using the Expires property. The cookie was set to 'expire 1 year from the days date. 'When the cookie expires it is deleted from the user's Web computer. - Retrieving cookies 'To retrieve cookies we use Request.Cookies. username = Request.Cookies("username") response.write("Username: " & username) - Cookies arrays 'set array Response.Cookies("user")("realname") = "John Doe" Response.Cookies("user")("username") = "johnny55" Response.Cookies("user")("age") = "55" 'get values back realname = Response.Cookies("user")("realname") username = Response.Cookies("user")("username") age = Response.Cookies("user")("age") - Show all cookies found for current user Dim x,y For Each x in Request.Cookies Response.Write("<p>") If Request.Cookies(x).HasKeys Then For Each y in Request.Cookies(x) Response.Write(x & ":" & y & "=" & Request.Cookies(x)(y)) Response.Write("<br />") Next Else Response.Write(x & "=" & Request.Cookies(x) & "<br />") End If Response.Write "</p>" Next
Session Reference page - Setting a session variable Session("username")="cristhian" Session("age")=28 - Removing session variables Session.Contents.Remove("username") - Removing ALL session variables Session.Contents.RemoveAll() - Show all variables in the session dim i For Each i in Session.Contents Response.Write(i & "<br />") Next 'OR dim i dim j j=Session.Contents.Count Response.Write("Session variables: " & j) For i=1 to j Response.Write(Session.Contents(i) & "<br />") Next
ASP code to force a file download
- Sending a File to the user for download (small files. Can have response buffer overflow) Reference: Response.Buffer = True Dim strFilePath, strFileSize, strFileName Const adTypeBinary = 1 strFilePath = "C:\ whatever the path is " strFileSize = ... the size of file .. optional strFileName = "the file name" Response.Clear '*******************************8 ' Requires MDAC 2.5 to be stable '*******************************8 Set objStream = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Stream") objStream.Open objStream.Type = adTypeBinary objStream.LoadFromFile strFilePath strFileType = lcase(Right(strFileName, 4)) 'Add more type handlers if necessary Select Case strFileType Case ".xls" ContentType = "application/" Case Else 'Handle All Other Files ContentType = "application/octet-stream" End Select Response.AddHeader "Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename= strFileName Response.AddHeader "Content-Length", strFileSize Response.Charset = "UTF-8" Response.ContentType = ContentType Response.BinaryWrite objStream.Read Response.Flush objStream.Close Set objStream = Nothing - Sending a File to the user for download (BIG FIlES, reading chunks at a time to avoid overflow) 'Send headers and show file dim ContentType dim strFilePath dim strFileName dim strFileNameAlias 'for the client only dim strFileSize const adTypeBinary = 1 dim relativePath strFilePath = "localtion of the file, example C:\files\" strFileName = "Filename, example: bigmovie.mpeg" strFileNameAlias = "movie1" '*******************************8 ' Requires MDAC 2.5 to be stable '*******************************8 dim objStream Set objStream = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Stream") objStream.Open objStream.Type = adTypeBinary objStream.LoadFromFile strFilePath & strFileName dim chunk:chunk = 2048 'define chuncks to read from file dim iSz:iSz = objStream.Size 'total size of file ContentType = "application/octet-stream" Response.Charset = "UTF-8" Response.ContentType = ContentType Response.AddHeader "Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename= " & strFileNameAlias Response.AddHeader "Content-length", iSz 'on error resume next 'Read only certain bytes at a time, then flush response and keep reading next chunck dim i For i = 1 To iSz \ chunk If Not Response.IsClientConnected Then Exit For Response.BinaryWrite objStream.Read(chunk) Response.Flush Next 'Write remaining portion of file If iSz Mod chunk > 0 Then If Response.IsClientConnected Then Response.BinaryWrite objStream.Read(iSz Mod chunk) Response.Flush End If objStream.Close Set objStream = Nothing